When attempting to run a master/worker run, you may get the following error:
"You have tried to create a channel to a service that does not support .Net Framing. It is possible that you are encountering an HTTP endpoint."
The error indicates the Port number is being used by another service or application (commonly used by SQL Server Reporting Services). To resolve this, do the following:
1. Change the port used for “Run Progress Port” in Worker Service Manager to 8085 (or another free port).
2. Save the settings in Worker Service Manager.
3. Restart Studio and it should work.
1. Change the port used by SQL Server (or another application / service) is using from 8081 to another free port.
2. Stop and restart the offending service / application.
NOTE: The ports in use can be found by running Resource Monitor and looking at the TCP Connections / Listening Ports panels.