If you are experiencing issues with performance and are struggling with processing high volumes of quotations and your hardware has multiple CPUs then try adding the below attributes into the runtime section of the Mo.net Quotations Service config file which is found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Software Alliance\Mo.net 7.5\Mo.net RESTful Quotations Service\SAL.RestfulQuotationsService.exe.config
<gcServer enabled="true"/>
<Thread_UseAllCpuGroups enabled="true"/>
<GCCpuGroup enabled="true"/>
This should improve performance and enable higher volumes to be handled on both single service use and when using a load balancer/router service.
These changes affect the Garbage collection processing and the primary benefit comes from the change to the middle attribute as this requires the other two attributes to be enabled. The change appears to allow the Mo.net Quotations service to better handle asynchronous requests by making maximum usage of hardware that has multiple CPUs attached.
Note that the improvement is dependent on the hardware being used and a change in hardware could mean a degradation in performance.